Friday, October 19, 2012

Gian Lận Trợ Cấp Xã Hội - Ba Người Việt Ngồi Tù 2 Năm

 Hai Dien Luu

Gia đình 3 người Việt thông đồng gian lận, lừa đảo ăn cắp trên $140,000 trợ cấp xã hội

Ngày 30 tháng 11, 2011, tòa án Quận Cam đã kết án Hai Dien Luu (Hải Điền Lưu), 49 tuổi, ở Garden Groove 2 năm tù giam vì tội lừa đảo, gian lận, ăn cắp nghiêm trọng (trên $100,000). 

Hue Thi Chu

Bà Hue Thi Chu, 37 tuổi, vợ cũ của ông Lưu, cũng ở Garden Groove, cũng bị kết án 2 năm tù vì tội khai man, ăn cắp nghiêm trọng (trên $100,000)

 Lieu Thi Ha

Bà Lieu Thi Ha, 38 tuổi, cháu gái của ông Lưu, ở Westminster, cũng bị kết án 2 năm 8 tháng tù vì tội khai man, gian lận trợ cấp xã hội, ăn cắp nghiêm trọng (trên $100,000).

Tất cả ba tội phạm đều nhận lệnh phải trả $140,000 tiền bồi thường.

Bà Lieu Thi Ha có tiệm nail, có nhà cho mướn nhưng bà đã che dấu tài sản, thu nhập của mình, khai man và gian lận để nhận tổng cộng $140,000 tiền trợ cấp của chính phủ.

Từ tháng 6, 2002 đến tháng 2, 2010: Bà Hue Thi Chu và chồng cũ, ông Hai Dien Luu, đã khai man đứng tên căn nhà mà bà Lieu Thi Ha là sở chủ, để bà Lieu Thi Ha xin được tiền trợ cấp mướn nhà.  Bà Lieu Thi Ha cũng nhận hơn $88,000 tiền hỗ trợ thuê nhà của chính phủ để sống trong chính căn nhà bà sở hữu nhưng khai man dứng tên người dì của mình, bà Hue Thi Chu.

Từ tháng 7, 2004 đến tháng 7, 2008:  Bà Hue Thi Chu khai man bà là người trông con của bà Lieu Thi Ha để nhận tiền trợ cấp chăm trẻ của chính phủ, nhưng trên thực tế, trong khoảng thời gian này bà Hue Thi Chu không sống ở Mỹ và cũng không phải là người chăm sóc những đứa con của bà Lieu Thi Ha.  Cả hai gian lận và bà Lieu Thi Ha nhận hơn $7,700 tiền hỗ trợ chăm sóc trẻ em. 

Từ tháng 2, 2004 đến tháng 12, 2009:  Bà Lieu Thi Ha đã khai man tài sản, thu nhập của mình để nhận trên $44,000 tiền mặt, phiếu thực phẩm, và chăm sóc con trẻ.


Orange County District Attorney

Press Release
November 30, 2011


WESTMINSTER– A man was sentenced today to two years in state prison for his role in a family scheme to defraud multiple county agencies out of over $140,000 in public assistance benefits by lying and failing to report assets on aid applications. Hai Dien Luu, 49, Garden Grove, pleaded guilty to the court to one felony count of perjury, 11 felony counts of grand theft, and a sentencing enhancement for excessive taking over $100,000.

Luu’s ex-wife Hue Thi Chu, 37, Garden Grove, to whom he was married at the time of the crime, pleaded guilty Nov. 23, 2011, to a court offer to 15 felony counts of perjury, 11 felony counts of grand theft, and a sentencing enhancement for excessive taking over $100,000. She was sentenced to two years in state prison.

Chu’s niece, Lieu Thi Ha, 38, Westminster, pleaded guilty Nov. 23, 2011, to a court offer to 37 felony counts of perjury, 11 felony counts of grand theft, two felony counts of public assistance fraud, and a sentencing enhancement for excessive taking over $100,000. She was sentenced to two years and eight months in state prison.

All three defendants are collectively ordered to pay $140,000 in restitution.

Between June 2002 and February 2010, the defendants fraudulently applied for and received public assistance benefits by signing under penalty of perjury false income, asset, occupation, and homeowner information. The defendants fraudulently collected a total of over $140,000 in public assistance benefits by lying on aid applications for financial assistance with housing, cash, child care services, and food stamps through the Orange County Housing Authority (OCHA), Children’s Home Society of California (CHS), and Social Services Agency (SSA) of Orange County.

Between June 2002 and February 2010, Ha, a mother of two, fraudulently applied for and received over $88,000 in rental assistance through OCHA’s Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher program. To qualify, applicants must be from a low-income household and rent an apartment or house from a private landlord that is not a blood relative. Ha lied on applications by reporting less income to qualify under low-income program requirements, failed to report her familial relationship to the “landlords,” and falsely listed Chu and Luu as owners of her Westminster house.

Between February 2004 and December 2009, Ha fraudulently applied for public assistance through SSA and received over $44,000 in cash, food stamps, and child care services, for which she did not qualify. Ha lied on applications under penalty of perjury to qualify for these benefits by falsifying employment information, hiding ownership of a Los Angeles nail salon and Westminster home, and underreporting income including failing to disclose additional earnings received from tenants renting rooms in her house.

Between July 2004 and July 2008, Ha fraudulently applied for and received over $7,700 in child care assistance benefits by lying about her income and assets. Ha reported Chu as her child care provider to CHS and received benefits in her aunt’s name when Chu did not live in the United States or care for Ha’s children. Chu provided a copy of her California State identification card to assist Ha to fraudulently receive and collect these benefits.

Chu and Luu lied and listed themselves on the Westminster house deed as the sole homeowners despite Ha’s actual ownership of the home. Chu and Luu falsified other public assistance documents by reporting incorrect personal information regarding occupation, income, and assets to help Ha fraudulently qualify and illegally receive public assistance benefits. As landlords under OCHA’s Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher program, they signed under penalty of perjury that they were not related to Ha and failed to report their business arrangements with her including underreporting income.

Recipients of housing assistance must submit a disclosure form annually for review to ensure they are still aid-eligible under program rules. An employee of OCHA reported the case to the Orange County District Attorney’s Office (OCDA) after growing suspicious of inconsistencies on Ha’s annual financial assistance disclosure form.

The defendants were arrested March 24, 2011, by OCDA Investigators and officers from Immigration and Customs Enforcement, Garden Grove Police Department, and Westminster Police Department, who all contributed to the investigation of this case. SSA, OCHA, and CHS also assisted in the investigation of this case.

Deputy District Attorney Janice Chieffo of the Public Assistance Division prosecuted this case.


[Tội phạm người Việt - Gian Lận Trợ Cấp Chính Phủ, Ăn Cắp Welfare]

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